A Victory in Ghana
George Korah, National Director in Ghana, recently wrote that he shared Dr. Lo’s book, God’s Call to Holiness, with his friend. This is the textbook Dr. Lo taught from during his visit to Ghana earlier this year. Pastor George wrote:
“A friend of mine recently gave his life to Jesus after going through the book God’s Call to Holiness by Rev. Jim Lo.
“I gave the book to him. He said the book is self leading, spiritual, and contains all that it takes to know God and surrender oneself unto Him.
“He said he was just going to church for going’s sake. He said he was not saved still, even though he was going to church regularly. ‘I felt empty before, but now I feel the Lord’s presence in my life after going through the book.’ He requested for some to be given to his friends, too.
“Remember this young man in prayer. He is a nurse working far away from home and me. But we call each other on phone.”
Thank God for this victory!