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Building the Church

Oleta (Witt) Korah

I can’t believe I have been back in the U. S. for almost a year! In July, I had the opportunity to go back to Ghana and spend some time with the leadership team and visit a few of the churches. It was good to see many of my friends again in Ghana, but the time passed too quickly.

Pastor George and the ministry team in our meeting shared some exciting things that have been happening since I left.

First, they just recently started a third Building Healthy Leaders class in another of our villages. I was praising God when I heard that the training is being well attended by the people.

Also, he has been working on helping the people take ownership of their church, as well as the ministry, by helping the church people plan and organize work projects together. For example, George was able to delegate different parts of the last convention to our leadership students. Many of the villagers were pleasantly surprised by how well everything was organized.

Another amazing thing that has happened is bringing the different village churches together for revival services and just to have a time of fellowship. We are trying to help build unity with all the churches. It is so amazing to have men in our leadership training go to another one of our villages to do evangelism. The people are now able to see that their church is part of a bigger ministry and that they have an important part.

During this trip I had a little apprehension with traveling to the upper regions of Ghana. In the last year there have been several terrorist events in the area. During my time with the ministry team, I heard them share their fears and concerns for the safety of our village churches; it really broke my heart. We are doing our best to try and protect our people and our churches.

I ask that you continue to pray for our leadership students, the ministry team, and our churches. God is moving in a powerful way, and with God anything is possible.

To download this month's issue of The Harvest Times, click here.

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