I have been in Ghana for two years now, and I find myself reflecting back on my life, looking back at the little girl that had a desire to go serve God on the mission field to the person that I am today. I see how God has fully transformed me and is continuing to grow me each day for His purpose and plan.
The Big Picture
As a little girl, I remember holidays with my mom’s family in Oklahoma. We would often sit around a table, putting a big puzzle together. I remember looking at the picture that was on the box and how I relied a lot on that picture to help me.
Our life is just like one of these puzzles that I remember putting together as a young girl. Christ knows the big picture of our lives, and we need to look to Him to find out where each puzzle piece fits. If we don’t rely on Christ every day for help, we are going to struggle and possibly end up failing. Thankfully, if we do fail, we find Christ right there, helping us to get back up and encouraging us to keep going.

A recent time of fellowship included putting together a puzzle of Africa.
God’s Big Plans
This week I was reading a book from Malcom Webber, and he was talking about Revelation 2:26 and how God is building us for His perfect plan, not only for this lifetime, but for eternity. It’s our human nature to only think about the here and now, but God has this bigger plan for each one of us that goes beyond this life. It’s kind of mind-blowing to really think about. What does God have planned for me in the future, in eternity? I kind of doubt it’s nursing. What is it going to be like when we are with Christ again?
A Big Invitation
Imagine Christ is sitting at a table with God and the Holy Spirit. You are afraid to approach the table because you are not worthy. Christ sees you and tells you to come and join them at the table.
But perhaps you are still hesitating to take that step. Why? What are you afraid of? Is it your pride, anger, brokenness, or shame? Whatever it is, we can’t hide it from Him. He knows everything about us.
Yet, Christ is still inviting us to join Him at the table with His Father and Spirit. We are each God’s creation, created for a special purpose. He can take our brokenness and turn it into something beautiful. Stop hesitating, and take that step towards the table!
Humble yourself, let go of your pride, come to the table, and allow God to transform your life today! Follow God to the ends of the earth, if that’s where He chooses to take you. I promise you will never regret following God.
Worth It All!
If you choose to accept Christ’s invitation, who knows what the outcome might be! You may end up like me, in Ghana doing something that I never dreamed I would be doing.
You will face many different experiences; some will be challenging, and others will be rewarding. For example, it’s rewarding to watch a family finally destroying their idols after living for years under the fear that they would die if they did. Or, imagine seeing young men in the church step up and start leading others to Christ.
No matter where Christ leads you, in the end it will be completely worth it when you are abiding in Christ’s love and you are in this beautiful relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Father.
Abide in me and I will abide in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must abide in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man abides in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:4-5)

The first week of June, Pastor George graduated from a 14-month Building Healthy Leaders class. Here he is pictured with his wife, Cecilia, and son, Jared.

The end of June, we kicked off our own Building Healthy Leaders class for potential leaders in our churches, including these two ladies.