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Remembering Pastor Leon George

The sanctuary of the white, two-story building was full, the pews lined with people from all walks of life who came to pay respects to Pastor Leon George.

The very structure itself was a silent witness to the life and ministry of Pastor George; he had guided the congregation from its early days in the 1970s, meeting in borrowed and rented spaces, to building and meeting in the spacious edifice today.

Pastor George did not always imagine he would be a pastor; however, by the time he graduated from high school, he wrote for the year book, “If you ask me about my future plans I could not answer in just one word. But if I could help someone make a connection with God, my life is worth living.”

His educational achievements and career success as a Human Resources Manager for 40 years for Pueblo Supermarket are worth noting. But the best testaments were the many tributes given by family and friends.

To a church on an island still reeling from Hurricane Maria’s devastation in September (the sanctuary is still powered by generator), the loss of such a key, influential leader as Pastor George seems great indeed. Yet, there’s another, higher perspective.

As Ernie Mullins, a longtime friend of Pastor George, wrote, “The Apostle Paul makes a bold declaration in Philippians 1:21 that describes so well the life and attitude of Leon George: ‘For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.’ Either way you flip the coin, Pastor wins!!”

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