Vacation Bible School in Cayman Brac
We had a great VBS this year, from July 17-21. We averaged about 60 kids each night, and were supported by about 30 volunteers. We were also blessed to have Rebekah and Leah Owens, Anna and Kara Schaper to come from the U.S. to help us out.

The highlight of the event was Friday. While the teens were in the Bible Discovery room, learning about Jesus’ death for our sins, one girl became overcome with emotion and went outside. Sis. Zenia just happened to be walking by the door and took the girl aside. This girl showed Sis. Zenia numerous marks on her arms she had made because she felt worthless. But that night this girl discovered she had real worth as Sis. Zenia led her to the Lord and she discovered she was truly created by God and built for a purpose!
Prayer Requests
Zenia has been dealing with various illnesses, of one kind or another, nearly this whole year. Pray for health and well-being.
As the new school year begins, pray for Joseph and Noah as they enter 3rd grade and 1st grade, respectively. Pray for Zenia as she bears the burden of homeschooling. The only other homeschooling family in Cayman Brac left this summer, so there is little support for our family in this endeavor.
Pray for our congregations to understand the need and the availability of entire sanctification. Preaching on holiness has been one of Pastor David’s emphases over the past couple months.
Pray for our congregations to adopt the values of humility, teachability, integrity, unity, and service. Another emphasis in David’s preaching has been to explore and teach what it means to be the Church of God. God has called us to be a special people, living, speaking, and thinking differently than the world, demonstrating and sharing Christ’s love to everyone we contact.