I celebrated my one-year anniversary here in Ghana on July 8. Time has flown by over the past year, and I’m enjoying my time ministering in the villages. It hasn’t always been easy, with times of doubt, frustrations, mistakes, and hurt. However, the times of joy and seeing God work in the lives of people have totally made it worthwhile. During this past year, I have been challenged, and my faith has just gotten stronger in God. He has been with me every step of the way, and when I fall He is there to pick me up and encourage me to keep going.
The last couple of months I have had some visitors from the U.S. First, Mary Klotz and her son, Jason, were able to visit and minister out in the villages. Mary and her husband have been missionaries to Ghana in the past, and another one of her sons, Josh, traveled to Ghana with the summer mission team two years ago. Auntie Mary is a great storyteller, and the children and the adults loved hearing her stories. I thoroughly loved playing games with Jason and Mary. It was a wonderful time of renewing my spirit and fellowshipping with friends.

Pastor Sammy with Mary and Jason Klotz
In June, a medical team, led by Derek and Tiffany Bond, came as a part of HHYC Compass Ministries. I really appreciate all the preparation and organization that took place in order to make this trip happen. The team just came together and was willing to do whatever was asked of them. We had a busy week, visiting all 7 villages and focusing on ministering to the children.
We held three medical clinics. During our clinics, we found that many of the children had malaria or illnesses related to bad hygiene or drinking contaminated water. During clinics we had different activities for the kids, but my favorite time was sharing the Gospel with them. There is nothing better in this world then seeing children accept Christ into their lives. By the end of the day, after the 2+ hour drive on washed-out dirt roads, everyone was ready for showers and their beds.

Joie Arnold, an RN, helps with a medical clinic.
Future Plans
I’m in the process of getting my visa renewed for another year. It sounds like it will go much more smoothly this time around. It may also help that I have a new friend in the immigration office. I’m so thankful how God puts certain people in our lives to help us out.
In November, I will be flying home to be a maid of honor in my friend’s wedding and festivities. I will enjoy spending time with friends and family and catching up with everyone. It will be an exciting time and will be over way too quickly, I’m sure.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support this past year. I look forward to seeing what God has planned for me and the ministry in the days ahead.