2017 Ghana Mission Team
Last month, a mission team traveled to Ghana as a part of HHYC Compass Ministries’ 2017 summer mission trips.

The 2017 Ghana Team: Peg Whitmore, Joie Arnold, Andre and Krista McKinnon, and Tiffany and Derek Bond.
The team was made up of Derek and Tiffany Bond, Andre and Krista McKinnon, Joie Arnold, and Peg Whitmore. Former missionary Jere Gowin had to cancel his part of the trip when his life took an unexpected turn with a heart attack only about a week before the departure date. We are thankful that he is recuperating well at home.
Part of the team’s goal was to assist medical missionary Oleta Witt in some groundwork for starting Community Health Evangelism training with the children in one village. The team saw 125 kids there, provided deworming medication and vitamins, and also treated things such as malaria, infections, and even seizures.
They ministered in other villages, as well. Tiffany wrote about their visit to another village: “We presented the Gospel to about 70 children, many [of whom] were Muslims. The adults asked questions about good works being the way to heaven. Pastor Sammy, Oleta, and Dela (a Ghanaian nurse) did a great job of explaining that there is one way to heaven—through faith in Jesus Christ!”

The children in one village received shoe boxes from Samaritan's Purse.
Download and read the entire July issue of The Harvest Times.