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Internship Update

Download the December issue of Medical Missions in Ghana.

Happy Holidays from Ghana! This week I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with several missionary families from the area. I think there will be about 50 people together for dinner. It sounds like we will be having ham, turkey and all the traditional Thanksgiving sides. I'm sure it will be a wonderful time of fellowship with fellow missionaries.

Two of my new friends who also work at BMC.

Baptist Medical Centre

Things are going well here in Nalerigu. I soon will be finishing my internship and heading back to the city where I will live. I'm very thankful that Baptist Medical Centre made this internship possible. During my internship, I had the opportunity to work in medical records, clinic, mother/baby, male ward, female ward, pediatrics, operating room, nutrition unit, and public health. I feel like I have a better understanding of the different diseases that are common here in Ghana, as well as some of the resources that are available out in the community, which will be very helpful in my work in the village.

I have a high respect for all the doctors and nurses that work here at BMC. The work never ends, and they do their best to care for the critically sick patients with very limited resources. It's very hard on the staff to lose patients on a regular basis because of the lack of resources here at the hospital. For example, in the US we probably have over a hundred basic lab tests that the doctor can do to help him make the proper diagnosis. Here, the doctors have to make a diagnosis based off a few lab results and a questionable health history from the patient.

Being here has given me a greater appreciation for the US healthcare system and our endless resources. As well, I'm thankful that God has continued to provide me with good health during my time here.

I also helped with village dental clinics.

A Summary of Life

Dog meat doesn't taste like chicken, but more like pig.

They have earthworms here that are over a foot long. Talk about great fish bait.

The wet season is over, and we are headed into the Harmattan season. This is when the winds come in from the Sahara Desert, causing dust storms. The good thing about this time of year is that it cools off in the evening to the 70s, and it's so dry that 100+ degree weather during the day doesn't seem all that hot.


I'm looking forward to my Dad and Dr. Michael Shoemaker visiting for a couple weeks They will arrive December 2nd and be leaving on the 14th. So, please keep them in your prayers that they will have safe travels. [They will spend about a week with Oleta at BMC, and afterwards will help her move back to Wa.]

Please also pray for me, as I will be starting my work out in the villages soon. I know there are going to be a lot of challenges in the next several months. I just ask that God will give me the wisdom that I need to help the people.

I'm very thankful for God's faithfulness and the blessings that he continues to give me while here in Ghana. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Blessings to you and your family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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