Who Is in Charge?
Read the March issue of The Doyle Dispatch.
We live in a world that changes. Dealing with change proactively is the biggest part of the work that Larry and the rest of the Administration team are trying to do here in PNG.
Our overall strategy of training local Mother Tongue Translators is working, but there are challenges to keeping momentum going. Satan directly fights those who work on getting the Bible in their own language, as well as their families. Many of our experienced translators, trainers, and support personnel are reaching retirement age and leaving PNG. Tax law in donors’ countries and changes in how partner organizations handle and distribute funds that pay for training and production require more management and reporting here on the field.
In the face of such challenges we can only turn to God. What is He doing in PNG? How will He speak to people through His Word? How will He use us? We know He will guide!
March 14-16 Larry will be leading the first of three PNG Regional Directors meetings for this year. Please pray for them as they have times of prayer and seek God’s direction for Bible Translation in each of the seven regions of PNG.