Outreach in Ghana
Download the February issue of The Harvest Times.

Pictured: The 2015 Annual Convention was held last Christmas.
More villagers in Ghana are hearing the Good News! National Director Samuel Arthur, known to us as Pastor Sammy, recently sent a report of various ministry activities in 2015.
In the six villages where we currently have churches, the believers are growing in grace. Pastor Sammy wrote, “We continued to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ in the villages, while encouraging the believers in all the six churches . . . That is our mandate and main task. We do that regularly with all the churches, mostly on Sundays and some other days within the week.
“We nourish the people with the Word of God. People’s faith is being lifted, family lives have changed, and idols have been abandoned for the worship of the true God.”
But, that’s not all.
“As a way of reaching out to many people with the gospel, we had a three-day evangelistic crusade in a small village 2 km west of where one of our churches is. We evangelized there by showing the “JESUS” Film in our local dialect.
“Forty-two adults and fifty-two children came forward to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and we asked them to join the Church of God (Holiness) Ghana, nearby branch, for fellowship. . . .
“We also went to another interior village. It is about 7 km from another of our villages and is only accessible on motor bike or bicycle and only in the dry season. We preached the gospel there, and some received Christ as their savior. As of now some walk on foot to have fellowship with the Church of God (Holiness).”
Please continue to pray for the leadership team and the believers in Ghana.