Medical Missionary in Ghana
Download the April issue of The Harvest Times.

After participating in two medical trips to Ghana, this operating room nurse is willing to leave a comfortable job, a suburban house, and her friends and family to follow God’s call.
Living a missional life is really a matter of obedience for every Christian. The Great Commission was not only given to those who feel led to move overseas; it was given to all of us. But as a teen, Oleta Witt felt a specific burden for Africa. She wrote in her Bible that she wanted to be a medical missionary there.
One village is located in rural northern Ghana. It’s a bumpy, three-hour drive from the closest city, and currently has no consistent electricity supply. It’s also home to one of our most vibrant, growing churches.
By nature of its very remoteness, however, there are also a host of medical needs represented there. Most of the villagers have no money for medical treatment and are too far away from it even if they had the funds. Treatable illnesses like malaria can be lethal.
But Oleta and the board have a vision of a medical clinic with living quarters, solar energy, and a newly-drilled well. Oleta envisions treating illnesses and injuries, training women about health issues, and ministering to children. All of these can be avenues to introduce others to Christ.
In March of this year, the World Mission Board approved Oleta’s application to be a medical missionary in Ghana. Following in the footsteps of her aunt and uncle, Lonnie and Leta Witt, who served as missionaries in the Caribbean and Eagle Pass in the 1970s and 1980s, Oleta is willing to put comforts aside to show the love of Christ in Ghana.
• Pray for the investigative groundwork and fundraising for a medical clinic in this village.
• Pray for Oleta as she continues working here in the States and preparing herself for this new venture.