Convention and a Soccer Match

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Each year at Christmas, the village churches in Ghana come together for convention—a time for mutual encouragement, special services, and outreach to the unsaved.
This year, the church at one of our most remote villages hosted the event, and guests from five of our six village churches attended.
Pastor Sammy Arthur, the director of our ministries in Ghana, described the event:
“The convention started on the night of December 24 with opening prayer. The home church members welcomed all the churches, after which each of the churches was invited to sing one song.
“Pastor Sammy, Pastor Isaka, and Pastor George preached through December 26. The theme for the 2014 Convention was taken from the gospel according to Luke, chapter 1, verse 37: ‘For with God nothing shall be impossible.’
“Exceptional was a friendly soccer match on the afternoon of December 25. This was a match between the combined churches and the local community. It was wonderful to see. Pastor Sammy acted as coach, Isaka was the referee, and George a player. The whole community and people at the convention were at the field to witness the match.
“After the match, the evening church service was crowded with people. The number of people outside was more than those inside. Over 1,000 people attended with some standing at the windows to hear the Word of God.
“It was very successful and lovely. Praise be to the Lord.”