Another Dedication Celebration!
Our whole family got to attend the Doromu-Koki New Testament dedication at a church in Port Moresby. This is the first time Christy and...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Oct 5, 20182 min read

Bibles for the Binumarien People
When Wycliffe missionaries Des and Jenny Oatridge looked for a tribe in Papua New Guinea who needed a Bible translation project, they...
Jul 27, 20182 min read

Dedication Celebration
For the Binumarien people, the Bible hasn’t been available for quite a long time. The New Testament had been completed and dedicated in...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Jul 10, 20181 min read

Growing and Learning
Tomorrow (from when this is being written) Larry will be participating in a three-day workshop that will help him do his management job...
Larry & Christy Doyle
May 2, 20182 min read

Buka and Literacy
--Seven staff (including three from PNG) and participants from ten languages worked in this village conference facility on Buka Island....
Larry & Christy Doyle
Mar 1, 20182 min read

Happy New Year!
This Christmas season, the Doyle family has experienced a special focus on Jesus that has made it a very blessed time. Yes it has been...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Jan 3, 20182 min read

A Little Technology Help
Running a computer in a village with no connection to any sort of electrical grid is sometimes a challenge. When we lived in the village...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Oct 27, 20172 min read

Pig-sheep and Clear Translation
The Solos people are nearing the completion of the first book of the Bible, the book of Joshua, translated in their own language. Larry...
Aug 29, 20171 min read

A Look Behind the Scenes
Furloughs are a part of life in missions. Yes, it has been a couple of years since our family returned to PNG from our furlough and we...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Jul 31, 20172 min read

A New Teacher!
Remember recently when we talked about the need for teachers here? Unexpectedly, God has opened the door for Christy to fill part of that...
Larry & Christy Doyle
Jul 5, 20171 min read