About Us

Since 1917, the World Mission Department of the Church of God (Holiness) has existed with the purpose of taking the gospel "into all the world." Currently, World Missions is spreading this good news in at least 8 languages in several countries.
Many different areas of ministry exist. Following are a few job descriptions of the individuals with whom we are privileged to work:
Bible Study Leader
Church Planter
Linguist/Bible Translator
School Administrator
Volunteers for Short-Term Projects
Click here to learn more about our areas of ministry!

Our purpose is to promote God's kingdom through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and providing opportunities to develop mission fields into self-propagating missionary forces.

To learn more about our beliefs, view our Articles of Faith.

Jim and Roxene Lo
Jim Lo, Director
Roxene Lo, Office Manager
Ashlee Englund, Communications Director

Board Members:
Randy Joe Bland, Paul Confer, Rod Davis, Joe Dodson, Dean Greenwood, Dwight Purtle, Jim Purtle, Erica Wait, and Joe Trussell (Chairman).